According to spectral characteristics


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ADD:No.242 Beihai Street, Dadong District, Shenyang City, Liaoning Province








Fixed neutral density filter
Neutral density filters (density filters for short) are filters that attenuate light intensity without changing the energy distribution of the spectrum. The fixed neutral density filter can attenuate the light intensity evenly in a wide spectrum area, and the surface is coated with a durable metal film layer. This type of filter can be used in natural light and laser fields. The fixed density filter is divided into absorption plus reflection type density film and low inversion type density film (ND mirror), which neutrally attenuates light in a large spectral range, and it is also particularly suitable for the calibration of optical systems. Density sheets with special sizes, densities, and wavelengths can be customized.
Circular gradient neutral density filter
The circular gradient neutral density filter (referred to as the circular gradient density filter) can linearly attenuate the light intensity by rotating the filter, and can accurately adjust the light energy in the circular linear direction, while maintaining the neutral spectrum light energy distribution. Under the premise, the light energy can be adjusted and controlled. This type of filter can be used in natural light and laser fields. Using two filters in combination, reverse rotation can obtain a fixed density attenuation effect in a large limited area. Product sizes are available from 25mm to 100mm. Spectral range 250nm-2500nm. Density sheets with special size, density and wavelength can be customized.
Striped gradient neutral density filter
Strip gradient neutral density filter (referred to as strip gradient density filter) can linearly attenuate the light intensity by moving the filter or light source. To achieve precise adjustment of light energy in the length direction of the strip, and to maintain adjustable and controllable light energy on the premise of maintaining the neutral spectrum light energy distribution, it is divided into metal alloy type variable density sheets and low inversion type variable density sheets ( GND). It is suitable for both ordinary light sources and laser light sources. When the two plates are used in combination with reverse translation, the attenuation of the light of a larger beam spot can be achieved. Optional use of spectral range 250nm-2500nm. Density sheets with special size, density and wavelength can be customized.
Circular stepped neutral density filter
Circular stepped neutral density filter (referred to as circular stepped density filter) can attenuate the light intensity in discrete steps in the filter area, and the optical density in each discrete area is a fixed value. This type of filter can be used in natural light and laser fields. The outer diameter of the filter can be selected from 25mm to 100mm. Optional use of spectral range 250nm-2500nm. Density sheets with special size, density and wavelength can be customized.
Striped step neutral density filter
Strip step gradient neutral density filter (referred to as strip step density filter) can attenuate the light intensity in discrete steps in the filter area, and the optical density in each discrete area is a fixed value. This type of filter can be used in natural light and laser fields. Divided into metal alloy type variable density sheet and low inversion type variable density sheet (GND). Optional use of spectral range 250nm-2500nm. Density sheets with special size, density and wavelength can be customized.
Radial gradient neutral density filter
Bandpass filter
The UV-Vis-NIR narrow-band interference filter product series is the gold-leading product of HB Optical Co., Ltd. The main optical indicators of the product such as: wavelength positioning accuracy, half-wave bandwidth accuracy, form factor (degree of rectangularization), peak transmittance, etc. have all reached the level of similar international products.   Ultraviolet narrow band filter: 200~399 nm Visible narrow band filter: 400~740 nm Near infrared filter: 750~2500nm        
Cut-off filter
Infraredcutfilter:λ2.0~12μ(longwavepass),Blocking:T<0.1% Shortwavepassfilter:λ400~700nm,Blocking:T<1% Longwavepassfilter:λ400~2000nm,Blocking:T<1%
Two-way spectroscopic filter
Dielectricbeamsplitter:400~700nm,T/R=80/20,70/30,60/40,50/50 Metalfilmbeamsplitter:400~2000nm,T/R=50/50
Notch filter
Notch filters are also called band-stop or band-reject filters. It can transmit most wavelengths, but attenuates light in a specific wavelength range (stop band) to a very low level.   Notch filters are the opposite of band-pass filters. Band-pass filters provide high pass-band transmittance and excellent out-of-band rejection characteristics, so that they only transmit light in a small wavelength range, while notch filters Only suppress light in a small wavelength range. High precision, consistency and stability are important characteristics of HB Optical filter products. Each piece of product will go through precise and strict factory inspection. A variety of sizes and center wavelengths are available, and product customization services can be provided.        
Reflective filter
ColdlightreflectionfilterInthewavelengthrangeof400-700nm,R>95%Inthewavelengthrangeof800-2000nm,T>80% InfraredfilterInthewavelengthrangeof400-700nm,T>75%Inthewavelengthrangeof800-1200nm,R>95% DielectricfilmWavelengthrange: 300nm~12μ    Reflectionbandwidth: (15%~25%)λ0Reflectivity: R>95% MetalfilmGoldfilm:0.9~11μSilverfilm:0.4~10μAluminumfilm:0.2~7μ
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